Our Clients

Name: Martha / Location: Roatan / Micro Business: Restaurant

¨Loans from Adelante have given me what I need to work, which allows me to put food on the table and send my children to school.¨  READ MORE: A New Beginning





Name: Aura / Location: Yoro / Micro Business:Sale of merchandise

¨I graduated from school and couldn’t get a job, so I took out a loan to start a small business. I was nervous about being in debt, but I couldn’t do nothing and not work, I had to do something to support my household¨.  READ MORE: Building Confidence in Yorito



Mercedes at a Product Innovation Workshop


Name: Mercedes / Location: Intibuca / Micro Business: Production and sale of bread

¨Here I am learning something new, now I can sell this product, and I know this sells a lot!¨  READ MORE: Crafting Flowers in Intibuca 


Name: Enma / Location: Choluteca / Micro Business: Restaurant and store

¨There are other institutions around here that offer loans, but it’s how they treat you, like how the Adelante Foundation treats its clients, it’s not just about a loan, the Foundation also wants to help you with your business¨.  READ MORE: Welcome to Choluteca!

Name: Delia / Location: Colon / Micro Business: Convenience store

¨I want to invest less in the store and take out an individual loan to start another business, there are no other food vendors nearby so I can have a better income as a restaurant.¨  READ MORE: 2011 Achievement: Home Improvement Loans.